Registered Charity in England & Wales No.1165941

Wild Welfare chairman & founder Dr David Jones, awarded the 2018 Equine Industry Vision Award


Wild Welfare chairman & founder Dr David Jones, awarded the 2018 Equine Industry Vision Award

Photo Credit: Courtesy Zoetis

Congratulations to our chairman and founder Dr David Jones, for being awarded the 2018 Equine Industry Vision Award for his work & dedication to improving the well-being of working horses, mules and donkeys across the globe!

David established Brooke USA in 2007, the sister charity of Brooke, which is now a major contributor for the fantastic international equine charity, The Brooke. David’s commitment to improving the lives for all animals, domestic or wild is evident in his tireless work for Brooke USA and of course Wild Welfare. As a result, thousands of animals continue to benefit through his innovative thinking and hard work. Congratulations!

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